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Financial Advisors, Financial Consultants & Money Coaches in Mississauga, ON

Our goal is to help our clients navigate and achieve true financial freedom – Pam Malhotra


What the Financial provides Holistic Financial Planning Services. Our clients have unique challenges and goals; therefore, our strategies are just as unique! Our recommendations are based on what is best for each client based on their own circumstances and goals. We strive to provide our clients with unbiased advice, support, and services. Our firm specializes in incorporating real estate strategies into our client’s financial plan, where it makes sense to do so.


Our mission is to be a leader in providing true holistic financial planning by educating, guiding, empowering and providing wealth and real estate strategies to help our clients achieve financial goals that ultimately help them elevate their lifestyles. We create the power of financial freedom through our course offerings, on-line coaching program and one-on-one Wealth and Real Estate Workshops.


To fulfill our mission as a firm, we are dedicated to:

1. Understanding our clients unique goals.

1. Understanding our clients unique goals.

2. Attending to the concerns of our clients by providing viable solutions.

3. Building long term connections with our valued clients.

4. Establishing an ongoing and regular line of communication.

Understanding our clients needs and goals to grow their net worth, through traditional investing methods or Real Estate strategy, meant we could implement our mission while changing the trajectory of our clients financial futures.

WE've been around...

RBC Women of Influence

The RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur Awards is the premier national awards program celebrating the achievements of the most successful in this inspiring group. Now in its 30th year, tens of thousands have been nominated and over 200 women have taken home the top awards for demonstrating excellence — from economic growth to social change, from local to global reach, across multiple sectors.

The Open Chest Confidence Academy

"Let’s acknowledge that financial institutions do a great job of creating a financial plan. They put millions of dollars behind their procedures. So I think that that part’s down. The challenge and the opportunity that I figured was, well, I give you a financial plan and now you know what you need to do. But who actually follows through? Who actually mitigates the risk of not being able to do what you talked about?"

Listen to the Podcast Here.

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